Registrations to the meeting are closed since January 10.
A waiting list has been opened for late registrants ; please contact Roos at to be added to the list.
The workshop will be held at the
University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE),
located Av. Prof. Aníbal Bettencourt 1600.
Your badge will be ready for you at the registration desk on the first day of the event.

To serve you best, we negociated a special group rate at the VIP Grande Hotel & Spa.
The cost for one single room is 136 euros, VAT and breakfast included; 150 euros for a double room.
To beneficiate from this special rate, you can book your room online on this website and indicate the following code: EURONDD.
We advise you to make your reservation timely to be ensured of a sleeping room.

A EuroNDD Diner will be organised on Thursday night, April 4, at the restaurant of the Casa Do Alentejo, a historical venue located in a 17th Century palace.
The price will be of approximately 50 euros per participant. You can register for the dinner when registering to the workshop itself.