The meeting will be held at the University of Vilnius, one of the most ancient universities of Eastern Europe. It is located in the city center.
Check this webpage to discover the rich history of the University
Our venue for the workshop will be the Aula Parva.

City of vilnius
Registration fees
Registrations fees are of 30 EUR for all participants.
Guidelines for presentations
Guidelines for Talks
Presentations are expected to be in a powerpoint format, Windows compatible.
Three types of presentations are possible:
** Regular presentations: 15 minute talk (10 min presentation + 5 mn discussion)
** Flash presentations: 3 minute talk + poster
As a guide, a 10 minutes presentation should contain no more than 20 slides. Please avoid text-only and wordy slides that could be replaced by clinical pictures.
If you use a Mac computer, please check the conversion of your file and avoid problems with animations and videos. Avi or other short movies formats are welcome.
Guidelines for Flash presentation
Flash presentations are short powerpoint presentations of 3 mn. The objective is thus to be concise. More details of your work will be given during poster presentations.
Turning your talk into a Publishable article
Pr Alain VERLOES, Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Medical Genetics, is co-organiser of the Meeting.
You are welcome to discuss with him during the Meeting if submission of your talk would be considered favorably by the Editorial Board.
Do not hesitate to bring your draft manuscript for advice.