First European Workshop on the multifaceted care and research of genetic neurodevelopmental disorders – Amsterdam April 20 – 21
More than 250 participants registered bringing together a broad professional audience for a multidisciplinary view on rare genetic neurodevelopmental disorders.
The program consisted of plenary & parallel sessions. Part of the speakers were invited; the other part was based on abstract selection. In total we received 75 abstracts.
The sessions covered the following themes:
- applied and emerging therapies;
- genetics of neurodevelopmental diseases;
- profound and multiple learning disability;
- mechanisms of disease, model systems & translational pre-clinical work;
- ethical, legal, and psycho-social aspects
- genes and pathways
For detailed information please check the EuroNDD 2023 program and abstract books: Program 2023 – ERN ITHACA (
This workshop was financially supported with funds from the EU.