Institut für Humangenetik
Universitätsklinikum Essen
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Hufelandstrasse 55
D-45122 Essen

Prof. Dr. Frank Kaiser
Telephone: +49 (201) 723 4560
Fax: +49 (201) 723 5900
Mail: frank.kaiser@uk-essen.de
The area of expertise of our Centre, as member of the ITHACA European Reference Network (ERN), covers syndromes exhibiting intellectual disability (ID) and/or rare congenital malformations with special interest in different forms of craniofacial malformations. About 1 in 40 newborns have a congenital malformation and up to 2% have or will show ID, caused by different individually rare diseases, among which up to 50% are of genetic or genomic origin. The jurisdiction and scope of expertise of Düsseldorf ITHACA Centre includes:
- over 5500 dysmorphological and multiple congenital anomalies (MCA) syndromes (listed in the London Dysmorphology Database), with monogenic diseases, chromosomal anomalies (detectable through conventional chromosomal analysis and/or CGH-Array technology), multifactorial or sporadic anomalies as well as embryofetopathies of environmental origin
- >1500 monogenic and hundreds chromosomal forms of ID with or without associated autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Service to patients
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Organisation of the center
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