Training & Education Workgroup

Workgroup Chair and co-Chair

Pr Laurence Faivre
(Dijon, France)

Pr Giuseppe Zampino
(Roma, Italy)

Key Objectives

The objective here is to organise a programme for teaching and training activities to increase and disseminate skills and knowledge in the field of developmental anomalies and ID, and to apply these to patient care.

Teaching activities consist in the develoment of webinars and the organisation of the EuroDysmorpho meeting, an annual European congress on developmental anomalies.

Training will be developed through different means: direct actions such as collaboration with European university programmes in Genetics and Developmental Biology, trainee exchange programmes, as well as through supporting European calls.

We will assess the number of formal educational activities (i.e. those accruing higher educational credits) or traineeships aimed at healthcare professionals organised by the ERN; the number of meetings of the Young Geneticists Network; the number of contributions to Orphanet (clinical summaries, entry coding…); the number of educational webinars or other digital educational tools aimed at healthcare professionals developed by the ERN.

Some of the workgroup deliverables include: developing a full module in a European Master in genetics program, developping an e-learning tool for non-specialist to learn about the care of patients with ID or developmental anomalies.


Anne Hugon